Quadri 2025.2
This update is also included in Novapoint 2025.2.
Release date: 18.12.2024
NEW: Render Optimization (BETA).Work in progress on a new rendering approach that will improve performance, using different ways to traverse the model that allows using all the cores in the computer. Known issues are:
1: Showing features with undefined z-values, even though the option is turned off in Quadri Options
2: Road Marking Symbols with holes are not shown correctly
3: Vector symbols will not appear in the Plan window
ENHANCEMENT: Scheduled Batch: Implement -log
FIXED: Process info messages are not displayed when the pane is auto-hidden.
FIXED: General bug fixes.
ENHANCEMENT: Possibility to sort alphabetically in Properties and PSETs. This setting will be default on if not set otherwise by the user.
Property Set Editor
ENHANCEMENT: Edit attributes directly in Pset Editor without clicking Edit icon.
ENHANCEMENT: Copy-Paste Values from Excel to Pset Editor even if the property in Quadri has a dropdown list
FIXED: Blank rows when copy/pasting from a spreadsheet and missing number values.
NEW: Explode Block to single feature. A new DWG to Quadri import possibility with block reference that allows importing many objects of the block reference as one single feature in Quadri. To support the workflow there is a new setting - Explode to single feature. Learn more.
There is also an update for the conversion rule CAD Geometry to unclassified objects - the source feature CadBlockReference
ENHANCEMENT: GUDB Migration Preparations: As part of the upcoming migration of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration's geotechnical investigation database (GUDB) to the Connected project concept, new templates are now available. During this GUDB transition, please continue to use the existing "Forhåndsvisning av grunnundersøkelser i GUDB" and "Import av grunnundersøkelser fra GUDB" templates until further notice. (Norwegian config only)
FIXED: Import DGN based on level description prevents automatic mapping.
Conversion Rule Editor
ENHANCEMENT: Setting in CRE to export boreholes as line geometry (GeoSuite case).
FIXED: Concatenate with GenericProperty as Current was missing separator and result value when using value-value mapping table
Automation Tool
ENHANCEMENT: Possibility to map values from a CSV file to predefined ENUM values.
ENHANCEMENT: Append Information to an Attribute with a Delimiter to add more information to an existing attribute.
ENHANCEMENT: Possible to make a rule that put geometry length into a normal attribute.
FIXED: The Name Value List dropdown doesn't work on the Name Value Comparison filter.
ENHANCEMENT: Cross Section presentations: A new option for multiple intervals in the Cross Section setup is introduced. Learn more. This option will as for now be disabled for presenting cross sections for alignments with station equation.
ENHANCEMENT: Presentation Rules: Wildcard operator on Attribute Conditions: Remember to use a "*" as pre- and post-fix in the value.
ENHANCEMENT: A new template for plant list using Table View Presentation is introduced -Växtförteckning (Swedish config only)
ENHANCEMENT: Export to QuadriModel: Selecting Collection tasks. When selecting to export Collection tasks, the predecessor tasks of the collections are now automatically included in the export.
FIXED: Publish DWG: User defined generic attribute with real and integer value does not show the correct value in ACAD.
FIXED: Publish TRB: Section "dots" along alignments are distorted.
FIXED: Novapoint Utilities: Update GML schema NV2.2 Conversion rule (NOR config only)
IFC 4.3
FIXED: Relationship Config: PropertySets and Properties' data values are fixed. Combobox for IfcBoolen and IfcLogical is added
ENHACEMENT: Updated conversion rules for Road, Railway, WS. Added missing ObjectType, Color, some PredefinedType are changed.
ENHACEMENT: Updated RelationshipConfig for Road, Railway and WS
ENHACEMENT: Exported pipes are desribed by parametric solid definition (AdvancedSweep) istead of BREP
FIXED: Fixed minor issues detected by BuildignSMART's Validation service
ENHACEMENT: Import of AdvancedSweep to Quadri