Publish 3D
Use Publish 3D to send (publish) a 3D presentation from a Quadri model to a file in which the original presentation settings are as fully retained as possible - the format used is TrimBIM (.trb). Select the destination for the published 3D presentation - Trimble Connect for Browser, ProjectWise or to a file in a folder.
Use this procedure:
Click the Publish 3D icon to start the tool.
2. Select a template (optional).
3. Give the task a suitable name.
4. Select a location in the process tree or write a new location. If a summary task was selected before you clicked the tool, it will pick up this location. If not, the default will be the root task
Find it here:
Select the 3D Presentation you want to publish.
Select destination.
Before finishing you may preview the publishing - Preview will open the presentation in a tab (if the presentation is already open, nothing will happen), whereas Visualizer will open the presentation in Trimble Connect Visualizer.
Click Finish in the ribbon
In the Upload dialogue that pops up - select destination Project/Folder for the published presentation.
Click Save