A code with date and time and a Z at the end
Under this code is only the name of the task you were trying to reserve when you got this message.
Look in the Quadri for Windows Process Window, there should be messages in this format: "Editing task 910 (Disposed) is reserved, but the appurtenant result object 123456 is write protected".
right click the cloud symbol of the workset in Quadri for Windows Explorer Window and select: "Go to Object ID"
enter the number you saw in the Process Window (here 123456)
Press "Select" and "Close"
See in the Quadri for Windows Properties Window to see if this object has the "Object Status": "ReadOnly, IsIncomplete".
If that is the case, you need to get Trimble Support to help. Send in the name of the project and which task you are trying to reserve to civil.support@trimble.com.
If the "Object Status" is not "ReadOnly, IsIncomplete", you should see in the Properties Window if it belongs to more than one tasks. You then need to reserve those other tasks first, before you can reserve the one you want.