Table Presentation
This presents the content of tasks and features as a Table View in the Presentation window.
Creating a Table task
To create a Table Summary, there are some ways of doing this.
Find it here:
Or right-click the task or feature in the Explorer View, and select 'View in Table'.
* This will show all content related to the selection.
The content of the table in the view window can be edited by using 'Save Presentation'.
Find it here:
Editing a Table task
A table task is editable and can be customized to show the content as you see fit.
Pick a template from the installation or a user-defined template to use. Picking a template like this will clear the content of the task and use the selection and customization found in the task template.
More about task templates here.
Source Features
Select or edit the content (tasks and features) to use in the Table task.
If the Table Summary is created through Right-click task/feature > View in Table > Save to Task the content of the task will already be selected.
The table can be customized to show the data in different ways. Inside the dialog, you will see some sub-windows.
Feature Main
If only tasks are selected:
None: Group on the feature type level.
Task: Group based on the task in the far left column.
Task as first sub-group: Will group based on task as the first sub-group within a feature type.
Task as last sub-group: Will group based on task as the last sub-group after all the attribute filtering/separations.
If only classifications/classes are selected:
None: Will group on the feature type level.
Classification: Will group based on the task in the far left column.
Classification as first sub-group: Will group based on task as the first sub-group within a feature type.
Classification as the last sub-group: Will group based on task as the last sub-group after all the attribute filtering/separations.
Task then Classification: Will group based on the task on the main level, then sort the task based on the classification.
Feature Detailed
Select a feature in the Feature Catalog listing.
Check the box for the attribute in the subgroup listing you would like to filter based on.
Rearrange the order of the attributes to define what attributes to filter on first by using the arrows (the top-most attribute is the first filter).
When selecting an attribute, you may also drill deeper into the attributes to do more detailed filtering and rearrange them.
Tip: If you would like to exclude some of the data/features from the table it is possible to do so by editing the 'Source Features' so that the data is not included.
It is also possible to do changes to features not covered by the current 'Source Features'-selection. To do so, change the Feature Catalog filtering.
Save milestone on Finish: This will save the current setup as a milestone when pressing Finish and is possible to compare against at a later stage.
Compare with: Selecting one of the milestones from the pull-down will show the differences when previewing the task between the current content of the task, against the milestone selected.
Note: The compare function will compare the setup against the exact milestone setup. If the filtering has changed then it will look like many features have been removed or added even though there is no change other than in the setup/filtering for how to view the features.
Press this button to 'export' the preview to an Excel sheet.
This will preview the table based on the selected setting/filtering and is used to see the changes done to the task before finishing and closing the task.
Reusing the task as a Task Template
The Table task can be stored as a task template for future use.
Next topic: Save Viewpoint