Publish to DGN

Bentley DGN files (.dgn) are design files used in civil engineering, design, mapping, and architecture industries. You can import (via Import Files), export (via DGN) .dgn files, and publish (via Publish DGN) this file format.

Use this to send a plan presentation in Quadri to a Bentley DGN file (.dgn) where the original presentation settings are as well-preserved as possible.

Use this procedure:

2. Select DGN. The ribbon updates to show DGN-specific publish options:

3. Give the task a Name (or accept the default).

4. In the Select View group, choose a plan presentation to draw from. Selecting Active View will use the view that is currently open.

5. If applicable, choose an option in the External Delivery section:

DGN-specific Notes

Next topic: Publish to KML