Export to IFC
Follow the general steps in Export to File.
Specify options in the IFC Writer Export Settings.
Click OK.
Complete additional steps in Export to File.
Click Finish.Â
IFC-Specific Notes
Export using Classifications
To export to IFC file using classifications, see the general export setup for classifications. The principal solution is the same as shown for LandXML.
Enter the file format settings.
Select to use Field Codes/Classification.
Pick the classifications to use.
The Classifications will be put on the Property Set in the IFC file as it is set up in the conversion rule in the dialog extension for 'Attributes Conversion per Feature'.
Other Attributes
To export other attributes to the IFC file, pick the conversion rule to use and enter the dialog extension for 'Attributes Conversion per Feature'.
In the setup for 'Attributes Conversion per Feature', you need to define what origin attributes to pick, and how to export and name the data in the receiving format.
First, find the 'Destination Attribute' to use. In IFC2x3 we normally use 'PropertySetDataList' for properties to write to the IFC file.
If you want to add multiple attribute conversions for this feature it is recommended to press the 'Add Attribute Row' when you have selected the correct destination Attribute to use.
Generic Attributes
In the column for 'Source Attribute' choose: genericPropertyList
In the column for 'Attribute Conversion Key Name' write the name of the generic property list attribute to use.
In the column for 'Attribute Conversion Key Name' write the property name in the IFC file.
Tip: To split the property name into property sets in the IFC file use a | define the property set in the IFC file.
Example: Novapoint Road|GenericProperty1
This will make the Property Set of 'Novapoint Road' with one of the properties inside it 'GenericProperty1'.
In the column for 'Default Value' write the default value to write in the IFC file for this property.
Tip: If 'Default Value' is left blank, then it is possible to set up a mapping between the property value found on the property in Novapoint, to a property value in the IFC file. The mapping functionality is found in the 3rd button on the far right in the dialog for this attribute conversion rule.
Next topic: KOF Export