Terrain Shaping

Design new terrain using spot levels and elevation lines.  

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Under input: Select a surface you want to collect existing elevations from. Point elevation calculated from selected input will show with an underline

There are two possibilities under settings that are on the toolbar:

Guiding Widgets on/ ff: the Hot Keys Widget displays available short commands and their function. By default, the widget is on. Press to turn on/off. The Help Widget presents the guiding text in the current mode of the tool.

To begin designing the terrain you must have a plan window open.

Tip: Create a separate plan window where you do not have many surfaces so you easily can see the terrain. By having a 3D window open in addition, you will be able to see the terrain in 3D when you are creating the terrain.


These are the different commands you can use:

When you press enter you quit create - mode, and you come to a pause mode in which you can click on another location to add a new elevation point or use V to select one reference point or O to an existing height. You can also click on point or slope to edit this.

Edit height or slope

Next topic: Alignment