
Sweep allows you to generate an object from a line with a base set to the normal of the direction of the line. For instance, you want to display a cable in 3D. If a line that represents the cable location has been drawn, you can then add the radius of the cable, origo location, and the cable is displayed as a 3D object.

Find it here:

The usage of the ribbon elements is further described in the following links:

Sweep can also be used with its feature input data for Automatic Geometry Generation. There are several default templates that can be selected, which auto-populate these settings. However, if you want to view the settings or make new templates you need to push the settings button in the tool, and then select the page named “Input auto-generate sweep”.

New templates are made by completing a sweep task with the requested parameters. Then, right-click the task in the explorer window and choose “Save as template”.