See the Receive and Share Data in Quadri guide in the Receive topic also.
Update the Quadri shared model with your changes.
Click Share.
The Share task ribbon opens:
Click Select Tasks to Share to review which new tasks you can share.
The dialog shows all possible tasks to share:
Select Tasks to Share (left-hand pane) - Select which tasks to share. Only tasks with changes (new, updated, or deleted) can be selected.
Tasks to Share (top right pane) - This shows the tasks that will be shared, which includes the selected tasks plus any additional tasks that must be shared as they are dependent on the tasks you have selected. This can, for example, be new parent folders or tasks connected through object associations.
Objects to Share (bottom right pane) - This shows the objects that will be shared.
Click OK.
The ribbon tool button will show how many tasks that will be shared.
3. Check the Release box if you want to release the shared tasks - only the shared tasks will be released.
You can visually review the changes to share by clicking the Plan or 3D button.
4. Click Finish. A description dialogue pops up:
5. Write a summary text to describe the changes you've done. This summary text will be available for other team members.
A list will present how many tasks and objects that will be shared. The Show Objects button presents a more details about the shared tasks and objects.
You can also share one or several tasks directly from the explorer:
6. Right-click the project or separate tasks in the explorer, and select Share. If the Share option doesn´t show, there is currently nothing that can be shared.