
See the Receive and Share Data in Quadri guide in the Receive topic also.

Update the Quadri shared model with your changes.

The Share task ribbon opens:

The dialog shows all possible tasks to share:

The ribbon tool button will show how many tasks that will be shared. 

3. Check the Release box if you want to release the shared tasks - only the shared tasks will be released. 

You can visually review the changes to share by clicking the Plan or 3D button.

4. Click Finish. A description dialogue pops up:

5. Write a summary text to describe the changes you've done. This summary text will be available for other team members. 

A list will present how many tasks and objects that will be shared. The Show Objects button presents a more details about the shared tasks and objects.

You can also share one or several tasks directly from the explorer

6. Right-click the project or separate tasks in the explorer, and select Share. If the Share option doesn´t show, there is currently nothing that can be shared.