Publish to PDF 3D

Use this procedure:

3D PDF-specific Notes

2. Select PDF3D. The ribbon updates to show PDF3D-specific publish options:

3. In the optional Task group, click Templates and select Default Publish to PDF3D.

Give the task a Name (or accept the default).

Add your publish task as a Subtask of a summary task.

 Click Documentation and use the dialog to enter descriptive text and attach reference files related to the import task.

4. In the Select View group, choose a plan presentation to draw from. Selecting Active View will use the view that is currently open.

5. In the Select Features section, choose a selection method:

6. If needed, choose an option in the External Delivery group, 

7. In the Finish section, click Preview to see what data will be published. 

8. Click Finish

Next topic: Publish to TrimBIM