Import Files

Use this function (and the guide beneath it) to import data into your Quadri model as a task. See File Formats that Quadri Supports for the file types you can import into Quadri. Many of the types listed have links to topics with format-specific details:

Import DGN Design Files (.dgn)

Import DWG Drawing Files (.dwg)

Import Industry Foundation Class IFC Files (.ifc)

Import LandXML Files (.xml)

Import Esri SHP Shapefiles (.shp)

This opens the Import file toolbar where you can go through a series of steps to import a file into your Quadri model. 

  2. In the optional Task group, you can Name your import task and add it as a Subtask of a summary task. 

Click Documentation and use the dialog to enter descriptive text and attach reference files related to the import task. 

Note: The Documentation drop-down arrow may only be enabled in certain scenarios. For example, if you have a text file that represents boring log locations and a PDF that shows the data, you can import the TXT and attach the PDF so that a user can view it in the future. 

3. In the Input group, click Select Files or Select from Folder and browse to the location of files you want to import. 

4. In the Open dialog, click the drop-down arrow to specify the file type to narrow the results. For some formats, you can import multiple files of the same type simultaneously.

Recommendation: To manage the information from a specific file later, import one file at a time since the import task keeps track of what was imported. If a set of files is considered to be “one package of information”, it is efficient to import all in one operation.

5. Pick the files you want to import and click Open

Note: You may have to select the file format first to see the files you need. Because you can only import files of a single format at a time, if you select the wrong format, you will need to cancel and restart the task to select the right format.

6. Depending on the file format you want to import (e.g., DGN, DWG, KOF, etc.), an additional dialog with options will open. Choose data-specific Import Settings there and click OK

Press F1 in the dialog or click the link in File Formats that Quadri Supports to open the file format-specific topic with descriptions of these options. 

7. To re-open the settings dialog if edits are needed, click Settings in the Options group.

8. In the Conversion group, click Select Rules to specify how the data in the files you have selected for import are converted into data that Quadri can use. See Conversion Rules for Input for details.

9. In the Conversion Rule Editor, you can select more than one conversion rule where conversion rule no 1 is first used, then 2, and so on. If there is still information left to convert after conversion rule 1 is performed, then conversion rule 2 will be used, and so on, until either all information is converted, or all the conversion rules have been run through. By default, information left after the conversion process is finished, will not be imported. 

10. Click OK when you are done selecting conversion rules.

11. In the optional CRS group, toggle Switch X/Y if you find that the northing and easting (x,y) have been switched in the source file.

If the source file has geometry with a different coordinate reference system than the target Quadri model, a coordinate transformation needs to be performed before it is imported. This happens automatically, but you will get pop-up dialogs that explain what happens.

12. In the Selection group, click Select Features to choose types that you want to import into the Quadri model. Select by feature types and/or by location (area, e.g., to make a polygon).

Note: If applicable when importing a file, you do not have to import everything, but you can select based on converted features or location. 

13. In the Preview group, click Preview to see the data in your files in a Plan View before it is imported.

A (temporary) plan view opens:

Ready for Import - Presents the information that has been successfully converted (and transformed, if a coordinate transformation was performed).

Note: If nothing shows up in the Ready for Import plan window, it’s possible that:

14. In the Finish panel, click Finish to complete the import process. 

If you click Finish without having used the Preview option, the information will be imported directly. This may save time during the import of larger files. Quadri will create a task with the name of the file (or the name you gave it). You can right-click this task and view its data in Plan or 3D View. 

See the help for Insert a Model. 

Guide - Import Files into Quadri

Import Files into Quadri