Reset User Settings

When Support asks you to RESET USER SETTINGS

To reset the user settings you do as follows:

The Reset User Settings function is also available from Windows Explorer normally located under C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Novapoint {version number}\Tools

We recommend to backup user-defined files before running this function. This applies espesially to Road/Railway Drawing Style Setups you have created if these have not been placed a different spot then the default location outside of the Appdata-folder.

Using Reset User Settings can also revert company settings if you have your own setup done with the installation or the installation package at your office.

About Reset User Settings

Reset User Settings has the function that it deletes some application- and temporary files so that the software need to unpack these again. Often it is wise to run this function to clean up some of the system files if you experience error messages or irregularities in the software when you havn't reinstalled or done other changes and it worked “fine” the last time you tried it.

The reason for your error message or irregularity with the software may vary, but often may be caused by the files that Reset User Settings will handle and delete. The reason for the issue may be related to: