Dynamic Section
The function clips the plane in the 3D window.
Find the function in the View tab of Quadri for Windows.
When you click the Clip function in the 3D window this panel shows up
If you choose to use an existing line in the 3D window just click on it using the mouse.
This panel appears:
SHIFT + Left mouse drag: Drags the plane along the guide
Right-click: context menu for more options.
SHIFT + Mouse scroll: Moves the plane along the guide.
CTRL + SHIFT + Mouse scroll: Increases the step (fast move).
F: Flip clipping plane orientation
O: Toggles clipping
P: Toggles clipping plane
K: Toggles wireframe in clipped part
H: Hides the info panel
If you want to draw a new line click L.
Draw the line using left-click to set the points. Finish by right-clicking.
By right-clicking while in clip mode, the measure tools can be used.
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