Missing attachments
If you get an error about missing attachments during share, check: Attached file is missing .
If the message says that the workset could not be opened because of missing task attachments (even though the files are there), the path to the workset might be too long. Find out where the workset is located: Find the Location of a Workset . Open that directory in Windows Explorer. See if you can rename any of the directories the workset is located in. Then use "Open single user model" and point to the QuadriModel file to open the workset again.
If that did not help:
Let us say that the error says it can not open: C:\.......\RoadAlignment.qm.xml
This error can sometimes be fixed by creating a dummy text file without content with the name that Quadri can not find.
If that does not help, try to find the task that has created the missing file. E.g.: if the file NewRoad.dmi is missing, enter "NewRoad" in the search field in Quadri Explorer window and see if you find a road task named "NewRoad". Then try to open and run this again and see if the files come back in place.