Binder (Def.)
You can either create a single-user Quadri model or download a workset from a private cloud using Quadri (this is stored locally on your PC (or at an available file server), but read this first). Novapoint creates the Binder file (*.NpBinder) and uses it as a link to Quadri models. The binder is meant to be private for each user, typically having one for each project. You can also imagine handling more than one project in the same binder, as long as the projects are related to each other in some way.
You may also download several worksets from the same model, and thereby link them into the same binder to have more detailed control over when you share your changes with others. Do this by working with different tasks in each workset, and sharing them independently. The purpose of the binder is to keep - bind together - a set of related Quadri models. The binder also remembers what windows you had loaded last.
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