Import blocks from dwg into single features in Quadri

When you import a block in a dwg-file into Quadri, it typically becomes a point object, positioned in the insertion point. If you want to import the block with its entire set of entities it must be exploded. This however comes with the possible drawback of adding a large amount of objects into the model. Use the setting 

Import blocks into single features

Under the Insert tab, start the tool Import Files.

Select the desired dwg file, and when the Settings dialogue pops up - go to Blocks/Xref, choose to Explode blocks and in addition to that - check the box to Explode to single feature. Click OK.

Select the conversion rule CAD-Geometry to Unclassified objects. This contains the Source Feature CADBlockReference which enables the entities of the exploded block to be part of the single feature created in Quadri.

Click Finish.