
Use this tool to create a new task for designing an alignment for use in a road model or railway model as a reference alignment or a surface edge alignment. The design is performed inside CAD, using the Alignment Design Tool.

You can also create a task for modifying alignments imported, e.g., by LandXML, from other systems.

Create a new Alignment Task

1. Click Alignment.

2. Select a task template (optional).

An Alignment in this context consists of this Task + a Feature that contains a DesignCurve. 

Select the correct template in order to get the values needed on the created Feature. This will ensure the system to recognize it in different use cases or other tools.

3. Give the alignment task a suitable name.

4. Select a location in the process tree, or write a new location. If a summary task was selected before you clicked Alignment, it will pick up this location. If not, the default will be the root task.

5. Select Calculation Basis. Calculation Basis is a feature used to calculate the terrain profile. They are also used to pick the z-value of the reference points you may add to the alignment.

6. Select Illustration Features. Illustration features are drawn in the view where you create the design of the vertical profile. They do not affect the functionality, other than as visual “background”.

7a. Select the Feature Type you want to create, or ...

7b. Select a feature (instance) you want to edit.

8. Click OK. The task will be added to the process tree. From AutoCAD and the Alignment Design Tool, you can now select this task and perform it.