
With this tool, you can create volumes between surfaces.

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Template (only available when creating a new task)

Templates will fill in the required data. The default template is an empty template.

Note: To create a task template from an existing task, right-click the task in Explorer and select Save as Template…


Specify a name for the task. This can be changed later.

Note: To change the name of a task simply change it in the process tree. Changing the name of a task changes only the task name. The actual filenames hidden in the model will not be changed.

Subtask of

Specify the subtask in the process structure where the task is to be stored. All tasks can be moved later by drag-and-drop.


Add information about the task and attach files as documentation.

Reference Input

In Reference Input, select between two types: Surface or Elevation.

When Surface is selected, you can select a reference surface. Select the surface by using a suitable query method. When Elevation is selected, you have to enter which elevation should represent the reference surface.

Ref. Subsurface Input

Select subsurface by using a suitable query method.

Comparison Input

In Comparison Input, you select between two Types, Surface or Elevation.

When Surface is selected, you can select Comparison Surface. Select a surface by using a suitable query method.

When Elevation is selected, you have to enter which elevation should present Comparison Surface.


In Boundary, you can select Outer Boundary and/or Holes (inner boundaries). They can be features with surface or closed-line geometry.


In Method, you find these Create Volume Settings:

What to do

Here you can select three alternatives: * Create Cut and Fill Features *Create Cut Features only *Create Fill Features only

Cut features will be created when Comparison Surface is underneath the Base Surface Fill features are created when the Comparison Surface is above Base Surface.

(Comparison and Base Surfaces are set in Base Input and Comparison Output)


You can preselect Preview in 3D and Preview in Table. The new 3D window and new Table window with results will appear when Preview Button is clicked.

The precalculated result can also be seen in all open windows where the task is included when Preview is clicked.


This will revert all changes done inside dialogs and the task since opening the task.

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