Can not delete task with loose objects
If you have reserved a task with "Loose objects..." or "Orphan objects...", but can not delete it, try the following:
select delete and when you get the question about deleting "result elements", answer "No"
right click the cloud symbol of the workset in Quadri for Windows Explorer Window and select "Delete all loose objects"
share everything
see if you got a _new_ group of "Loose objects". If not, you have successfully deleted these loose objects.
If you after doing the above still got a new group with loose objects, try the following:
In the Quadri for Windows Explorer Window, press the cogwheel in the upper right and be sure that "Show results" is checked
Press the arrow to the left of the task to expand it and show the results.
Continue expanding "Result Features", then each feature type, so you see the single Features.
Try to delete as many as possible of those (but try to delete as many "Linear Elements" as possible first, then start from the top. If you can not delete, see if this helps: Can not delete object
After deleting as much as possible, start trying to delete the netelement results as well.
As long as you still succeed in deleting at least 1 element, try again from the top of the results.
When you are finished, save and share, without releasing.