Conversion Rules for Input

Click Conversion Rules to start the Conversion Rule Editor in order to manage rule sets and create new conversion rules.

You will access the same Conversion Rule Editor from the Output tab.

What is a conversion rule?

By conversion, we mean to translate the information from one structure to another one. The conversion rule defines that the source information of a given category should become the target features of a given category.

Simply said: A polyline in a DWG drawing, placed on a layer named GuardRail, should become a GuardRail feature type in the Quadri model.

When importing to the Quadri Model, the information first is added to format-near features. The conversion rule set is used to translate the content of the file (now as format-near features) to the final target Quadri Models feature types.


The conversion rules are very important for getting as much information into your model as possible. Read the descriptions underneath for terminology used when defining conversion rules.

Main version

The "Main version" of a feature catalogue is the first part of it's version number. So the main version of FC 2.03 is 2.

Conversion rule

Defines what resulting feature an item in the source file/model shall become in the destination model/file.

For import: Conversion rules from source file to destination Quadri Model (current model).

For export: Conversion rules from source Quadri model (current model) to destination file.

Source format

For import: The file type to import with this conversion rule.

For export: Quadri model

Source Feature Catalog


When importing, the file is read and first converted to an intermediate Quadri model format, with a feature catalog that is closely related to the original source feature catalog. Then it is converted again from this Quadri model format to the format of the destination Quadri model. This setting specifies for which feature catalog versions this conversion rule is valid to convert from, if the source format is Quadri model.


When exporting, the source feature catalog specifies for which feature catalog versions of the Quadri Model this conversion rule is valid to convert from.

Source compatibility

You need to specify for which feature catalogue versions this conversion rule is valid. You can set the compatibility setting to:

Forward: Match the "Source Feature Catalogue" version and any later versions with the same main version.

Backward: Match the "Source Feature Catalogue" version and any previous versions with the same main version.

Both: Match any feature catalogue version with the same main version as the "Source Feature Catalogue" .

Exact: Only match the exact same feature catalogue version as the "Source Feature Catalogue" .

Tip: For SOSI and QuadriG1 rules, the compatibility should be set to "Exact".

Destination format

For import: Quadri model

For export: The format to export to

Destination feature catalogue

For import: Which feature catalogue versions this conversion rule is valid for.

For export: If "Destination Format" is Quadri model, then this sets which feature catalogue versions this conversion rule is valid for.

Destination compatibility

Same logic as under Source compatibility.

Conversion rule set

A conversion file can have a set of conversion rules, called a "Conversion rule set".