Ground Surface

Use this procedure to model the base surface of a new ground surface layer.

1. Click the Ground Surface tool.

Find it here:

The Ground Surface tool is loaded.

2. Select a template (optional).

3. Give the task a suitable name.

4. Select a location in the process tree or write a new location. If a summary task was selected before you clicked the tool, it will pick up this location. If not, the default will be the root task

5. In the method pane, click Settings to change settings, in addition to the ones found in the ribbon.

Examples of tool settings are:

6. Select elevation input, and select tasks and features that will generate the ground surface.

7. In the Boundary pane, click Outer Boundary to select a feature that suits the outer boundary of the surface. If no outer boundary is selected, the tool will make a 'best fit' calculation of the outer boundary, based on the elevation input.

8. In the Boundary pane, click Holes to select features that describe a hole in the surface. A hole can also be used to cut out areas for a new design.

9. Click Preview to see the result graphically, given the current settings. The features created will be presented in available windows.

10. Click Finish to calculate the surface and add the new task and feature(s) to the model, or click Cancel to clean up any preview and exit the tool.

Next topic: General Settings