Geometry Cleanup
Creates a new task for geometry cleanup.
Use this procedure to create a geometry cleanup task:
1. Click Geometry Cleanup.
Find it here:
2. Type in the desired task name.
3. Select the objects for cleanup. Start either dynamic query and select task/objects, or click the select objects button and select objects directly from the active window. This assumes that you have a plan presentation active you can select from.
4. Select available cleanup methods on the selected objects/lines.
5. Make a selection of one, or several methods:
Select a method from the list to the left and click > > to add it
Select a method from the list on the right and click < < to remove it from the selection
Select a method from the list on the right and click Up or Down for controlling the order of methods
Select a method from the list on the right and change the tolerance [m]
Finish by pressing Save to task
6. Finish the geometry cleanup tool by pressing the green OK button. The objects that were selected for cleanup are now being duplicated/made a copy of. The input objects of the task remain as they were before the cleanup, and are not changed.
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