Licensing FAQs

How can I see if a person has a Quadri Business Premium (QBP) license?

Two ways to find this information:

Quarantine period, how does it work?

The quarantine period of 168 hours (7 Days) is set per user, per product, per company. You cannot reassign a person to the same product until the quarantine period is over. You can immediately assign a person to a new product or if new in the company, in this case there is no quarantine.

Do you need a Quadri Business Premium license to share changes to a Quadri server?


Do you need a Quadri Business Premium license to receive changes from a Quadri server?

No, you can receive data from Quadri using Quadri Business license and the Quadri viewer for Windows product. 

What license is needed to access Quadri for Windows?

A Quadri Business Premium license is needed.

What license is needed to access Trimble Connect?

A Quadri Business will give you access to Connect Business, a Quadri Business Premium license will give you access to Connect Business Premium.

Where do I grant access to named users to a project in Trimble Connect?

This needs to be done by the project admin in

After Connect login, my new license seems to be ignored (recently assigned/upgraded license)?

At From the menu at the top right corner, select Check for updated license.

What do I do when I quit my job in the company?

Trimble Connect: All your projects should have a new administrator (a colleague, not you). Then, leave your projects, and delete your Trimble ID: deleting Trimble ID.