Licensing FAQs

How can I see if a person has a Quadri Business Premium (QBP) license?

Two ways to find this information:

Quarantine period, how does it work?

The quarantine period of 168 hours (7 Days) is set per user, per product, per company. You cannot reassign a person to the same product or company until the quarantine period is over. You can immediately assign a person to a new product or company, in this case there is no quarantine.

Do you need a Quadri Business Premium license to share changes to a Quadri server?


Do you need a Quadri Business Premium license to receive changes from a Quadri server?

No, you can receive data from Quadri using Quadri Business license and the Quadri viewer for Windows product. 

What license is needed to access Quadri for Windows?

A Quadri Business Premium license is needed.

What license is needed to access Quadri for Browser?

A Quadri Business or Quadri Business Premium license is needed.

What license is needed to access Connect?

A Quadri Business will give you access to Connect Business, a Quadri Business Premium license will give you access to Connect Business Premium.

Where do I grant access to named users to a project in Connect?

This needs to be done by the project admin in

Where do I grant access to named users to a project on a Quadri server, to share data using Quadri for Windows?

This needs to be done by the admin, in the Quadri Model Manager (QMM) (each company have their unique link). 

After Connect login, my new license seems to be ignored (recently assigned/upgraded license)?

At From the menu at the top right corner, select Check for updated license.

What do I do when I quit my job in the company?

Trimble Connect: All your projects should have a new administrator (a colleague, not you). Then, leave your projects, and delete your Trimble ID: deleting Trimble ID.