Publish to KML
You can export a variety of project data to a KML (Keyhole Markup Language) or compressed (zipped) KMZ file that can be opened and viewed in Google Earth Pro. This includes points, stations, observations, labels, linework, media files, feature data, and photo station panoramas.
Note: The export must include coordinate data to properly position the exported objects on the Google Earth Pro map.
Publishing to a KML file is done by making a plan presentation and then picking that presentation as the plan to publish to KML.
- Make a Plan Presentation
Include the data you would like to publish.
Choose a Presentation Setup that shows your data.
Finish the Plan Presentation and see that the content looks OK.
- Make the KML file based on the Plan Presentation.
Select Output > Publish.
Choose the KML format.
Pick your Plan Presentation to publish.
Finish the Publish and check that the content looks OK in a viewer.
Use this procedure:
Follow the general steps in Publish to File.
Specify KML options described below or in Publish Settings.
Click Finish.
KML-specific Notes
You can check the file in Google Earth or another KML viewer of your liking.
Make a plan presentation.
Include the data you would like to publish.
Choose a presentation setup that shows your data.
Finish the plan presentation and confirm that the content looks good.
On the ribbon, select Output and then the drop-down arrow above Publish (beneath DWG). Find it here:
Select KML. The ribbon updates to show KML-specific publish options:
Task section
Select Plan View Task section
External Delivery section
Preview section
Finish section
4. In the optional Task section, click Templates and choose Default Publish to KML.
Give the task a Name.
Add your publish task as a Subtask of a summary task.
Click Documentation and use the dialog to enter descriptive text and attach reference files related to the import task.
In the Select Plan View Task group, choose a plan presentation to draw from. Selecting Active View will use the view that is currently open.
If needed, choose an option in the External Delivery group,
None - Save the file somewhere locally on your machine, which is the default.
Upload to Trimble Connect - Select any of the projects you have in Trimble Connect and save to Trimble Connect Cloud Servers.
Upload to ProjectWise - Login and provide your information to Bentley ProjectWise to save the file to their cloud servers.
In the Finish section, click Preview to see what data will be published.
Click Finish.
Next topic: Publish to PDF 3D