Publish to KML

You can export a variety of project data to a KML (Keyhole Markup Language) or compressed (zipped) KMZ file that can be opened and viewed in Google Earth Pro. This includes points, stations, observations, labels, linework, media files, feature data, and photo station panoramas.

Note: The export must include coordinate data to properly position the exported objects on the Google Earth Pro map. 

Publishing to a KML file is done by making a plan presentation and then picking that presentation as the plan to publish to KML.

Use this procedure:

KML-specific Notes

4. In the optional Task section, click Templates and choose Default Publish to KML.

Give the task a Name.

Add your publish task as a Subtask of a summary task.

 Click Documentation and use the dialog to enter descriptive text and attach reference files related to the import task.

Next topic: Publish to PDF 3D