How to create rules in Automation tool?

On this page, you will learn how to create rules in the Automation tool. 

To create a rule, we need to use the rule editor.  The rule editor consists of several dialogs, which are presented above. 

Rule editor's dialogs:

Above is an example of how a rule can look. It can be very simple or consist of various shapes and logical functions. Everything depends on creativity. 

Above is a brief guide on how to create a rule. 

First and foremost, we need to decide what we want to work with, either with the network or with objects (Quadri features). So, at the beginning, we must specify the "Filter type." In the example above, we decided to work with objects. 

Then, we should choose how we would like to filter our data. For this purpose, we select the appropriate shape representing the "Query." We can connect "Query" shapes using logical shapes. This helps us build a more elaborate and multi-dimensional filter. 

The next step is to choose the appropriate shape responsible for manipulating our data. Above, you will find a list of the most popular actions. 

The last step is to connect the shapes using connectors. 

Query shapes and their properties 

Above is a list of all shapes representing "Query." Their function is very straightforward. Each of these shapes helps us filter our data in a more sophisticated way. So, based on the objects we selected in the task, we can additionally specify which objects interest us.

Looking at the examples above:

Action shapes and their properties 

Below, we will analyze some actions. 

Modify Feature

E.g. As a user, I want to change the values for the parameters: "MMI," "Arbeidspakke," and "Revision." I want to add the values "300," "B06," and "h02" respectively.

Note that if you choose "Update to all feature types," the new attribute values will be added to all objects that have these attributes.

Furthermore, the "Feature Type," in this case, "StructureLayer," has been selected for illustrative purposes to obtain a list of available attributes.

Modify Feature (add generic property)

E.g. As a user, I would like to add "generic properties" to objects named "Novapoint", "MMI", and "Designer". The value types for these attributes will be "string", and the values will be "2004.1", "200", and "Marcin" respectively. Additionally, I want to add a attribute named "MMI" with a value of "300" to all objects.

Please note that if you choose "Update to all feature types", the new attribute values will be added to all objects that have these attributes.

Furthermore, the "Feature Type," in this case, "ProxyFeature," has been selected for illustrative purposes to obtain a list of available attributes.

Map attributes

E.g. As a user, I want to add to objects of type "StructureLayer," which have attributes MMI with values 100, 200, 300, an additional attribute "Revisjon" with values h01, h02, h03 respectively. 

Map Feature type to Attribute

E.g. As a user, I want to add an attribute "MMI" with a value of "300" to objects of type "StructureLayer" and an attribute "Merknad" with a value of "XYZ" to TrafficLane objects. 

Feature Validation

E.g. As a user, I would like to know which objects do not have the attribute "MMI" defined. 

This function allows us to create information or warnings that will appear in the process info in Quadri. It is a very good way to generate a report (We can copy text from process info to sheet). Note that this type of action can be applied in conjunction with appropriate Query shapes. 

Set Attribute in Attribute type group independent

E.g. As a user, I would like to add attributes "Materialtype" with a value of "Stein" and "Traffikgruppe" with a value of "CGS" to objects that have the Pset "1_Veg."  

Set classicication code

E.g. As a user, I want to create a new value/code that will be stored in the "PNS_Code" attribute. I want this value to be based on the values found in the "Disiplin," "Materialtype," and "MMI" parameters, and for the successive elements of the code to be separated by "_".  

Note that if you choose "Update to all feature types", the new attribute value will be added to all objects that have this attribute. 


This is an action that helps us number various objects. An example of its use could be numbering manholes and their components. It is a more complex function that requires separate explanation.