Latest Activities on Models

Find it here:

Server > Models > Latest Activities on Models

This function will generate a comprehensive report detailing the latest activities on each model stored on the server.

Before using the report, initiate a pre-process by pressing the Update button to accumulate the necessary data. This step ensures that the report reflects the most up-to-date information.

To export the report to a comma-separated text file, simply click on the symbol located in the upper right corner. 

The report will contain one row for each model, showcasing the following columns:

Model Name: The distinct name of the model.

Latest: Timestamp for the most recent overall activity.

Create: Timestamp indicating when the model was initially created.

Join: Timestamp for the latest joining activity.

Share: Timestamp for the most recent sharing activity.

Receive: Timestamp for the latest receiving activity.

Reserve: Timestamp for the most recent reservation activity.

Release: Timestamp for the latest release activity.