Create Quadri Project
Deprecated page
Function for creating new shareable projects in Quadri.
Warning: To create a new project, a model already has to be created. You further need Project Admin access to this model, to create a new project.
Use this procedure to create a Quadri project:
1. Open the Quadri Project Manager dialogue
Find it here:
MOUS_ICO Application menu > Manage Projects
2. Then browse the Quadri Explorer to where you want the project.
The top-most level in the Explorer is the QuadriDCM Connections (the servers). If you don't have a connection, click here.
The second level is the Quadri models, where each model has a specific Feature Type Catalogue and Coord.Ref.System.
Therefore, you need to know what model suits the project you're about to create. Or you first need to create a new model.
2. Click the + next to the Quadri connection where you want the project
Sign In to this connection with your username and password.
3. Click the model where you want the project
4. Click Create Project
5. Type in the project Name and Description and click Next.
In the map: Zoom to the project location and draw a boundary polygon by clicking in the map
Under the map: Click the area of interest. In the dialog that appears, you can either:
Type the coordinates
Select a text file with coordinates
Select a file with Quadri workset - coordinates for the actual area of interest are read.
7. Click Next.
8. Select users from the list of All Users and then the right arrow to add them to the project.
9. Click Finish.
Next topic: Outer Diameter/Height