Add Model
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MOUS_ICO Models > Add
Before you can start using Quadri from Novapoint or any other application, you need to create one or more models.
Click Models in the main menu, and then click the Add button. Follow the steps in the wizard to create a new model and project.
Step 1: Model Information
Add a descriptive Model Name (maximum of 50 characters) and a Model Description, (maximum of 300 characters).
Select the Trimble Quadri Version of the model. Version 3 if the model will be used from Novapoint 21 or newer and 2 if the model will be used from Novapoint 20.
Select a Feature Catalogue from the drop-down list. The Feature Catalogue drop-down list is filled during the installation or upgrade and you should usually select the latest in the list.
If you want to assign a coordinate reference system (CRS) when the model is created, select Assign CRS using: and select from the drop-down list. Or you can create a model with no CRS and assign it later.
Step 2: Storage CRS
Select a Projected and Vertical CRS or a Compound CRS in which the data will be stored in the model. Selecting a configuration from the Configuration drop-down list will filter the content of the CRS drop-down lists.
Step 3: Compound Workset CRS
Selecting an Independent storage CRS in step 2 will make the wizard skip step 3 and take you straight to step 4.
If you select a Compound storage CRS in step 2 you will get the possibility to select one or several compound workset CRS in step 3. Check the compound workset CRS in the list in which you would like to receive your data when you download a workset from a model in Novapoint.
Step 4: Projected Workset CRS
If you have selected one or more Compound workset CRS, the corresponding projected workset CRS will already be selected when you go to step 4 of the wizard. You are not able to deselect them without deselecting the corresponding compound workset CRS in step 3.
In addition to any preselected projected workset CRS, you can also select one or more additional ones.
If you have chosen an Independent storage CRS, the wizard will skip step 3 and go straight to step 4 to let you select one or more projected workset CRS.
Step 5: Vertical Workset CRS
If you have selected one or more Compound workset CRS, the corresponding vertical workset CRS will already be selected when you go to step 5 of the wizard. You are not able to deselect them without deselecting the corresponding compound workset CRS in step 3.
In addition to any preselected vertical workset CRS, you can also select one or more additional ones.
Step 6: Where
Draw the boundaries of the project by clicking the button with the +-sign and then clicking the corners of the project area. Double-click to finish. You can also give the coordinates for the boundary by clicking the … button and typing or pasting the coordinates in the text box. Click Apply and Back to map or Next.
Step 7: Users
Select users that will have access to the project. You can select one or more single users or you can select a group of users (not when Trimble ID). Select the radio button for Users or Groups. If the server has users from Trimble Id and a user doesn't show up in the list, you can invite him by adding an email address to the textbox. The user will receive an email with a button to accept the invite and when the button is clicked, the user will get access to the project. The invitation is valid for 24 hours. You can invite several users by adding the email addresses separated by a semicolon to the textbox. If you want a user to be a project administrator for the model, click the grey checkbox in the Project Admin column.
Step 8: Create Model
This step will present a summary of all your choices in the previous steps and a URL the users can use to join the project from Novapoint. Click the Finish button to start the creation of the new model and activation of the selected feature catalog. A project inside the model will also be created at the same time and the project will automatically be enabled for Easy Access.
Creating a new model for the project and activating the feature catalog will take a few minutes. A “Please Wait …” message is shown when the model is created and activated.
If you don't want the created model and project to be available from a client application, check the Set New Model Unavailable checkbox.
Next topic: Export to CSV