Upgrade Feature Catalogue

Find it here:

MOUS_ICO Models > Models > Upgrade Feature Catalogue

Note: The model needs to be unavailable before you can upgrade the Feature Catalogue.

Select a Feature Catalog from the drop-down list. A list of all unavailable models that can be upgraded to the selected feature catalog will appear. Select the models you want to upgrade and click the Upgrade Models button to start the process.

Upgrading the Feature Catalogue will take some time. A message will appear when the process has started. The Maintenance column in the Models list will show Upgrading Feature Catalogue while the Feature Catalogue is being upgraded. When the process is finished, the Maintenance column will be blank.

If the new Feature Catalogue is not compatible with the old one (the main version is different), ALL worksets in the model will be automatically disconnected in the process. Users need to use Join a Project in Novapoint to get a new workset.

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